Chapter 12

Chapter 12

I grew up on the Wesley Grammer School campus that my mother taught at. I don't recall the girls being treated differently from the boys in my house. In that neighborhood, all the kids played together. We walked to school, walked to church, climbed trees to get mangoes and almonds from the top. We played "chas kele", and all learned to ride the one bike in the neighborhood, and got our first major bruises from that bike too. I was the kid that didn't speak much in class but among my 'click of friends", known as the talkative. I was rarely the top student but you'll find me in the top 5. I don't remember being treated differently from the boys. So the first time someone asked me "why are you so tough" I was confused. Tough? As opposed to what?

You get to a point as an entrepreneur when you're not trying anymore but you are doing. Even after a major setback, you still find the strength of mind to try a new way. You wake up every day with goals and responsibilities to move the dream one inch forward. It becomes a mental game beyond passion, it becomes a responsibility to the vision and other people depending on you.

I am not tough, or difficult, or overly ambitious. I am a principled leader, building NAYA by Africa, a Global Cosmetic Brand, like a woman, would.

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